Always running late?  Helpful tips for arriving on time!

Are you a person who is constantly running late?  Or are you known for always being early?  It used to be said about my family, when I was growing up, that if we weren’t early, then you could assume that we weren’t coming. We were always early!  My dad was very much that way and thus the whole family was known for that trait.

Here is a family photo of me with my brother and our parents.  Both Jeff and I now carry on that family trait of usually being a few minutes early rather than a few minutes late.

What time do you need to be where it is you are going?  Once that is determined then you need to back that up and decide what time you need to leave home and what time you need to start getting ready to leave home.  All of these are critical numbers and play a part in the end result of being “on time”.


Think about the time it takes you to get ready. 

Include dressing & personal care –



and interactions with others in the family that happen while you are getting ready.

All of this needs to be taken into account.  It contributes to how long it takes you to get out the door when you have a deadline.

Consider setting your morning alarm clock even 5 minutes earlier than you usually do.  It is amazing how even just a few extra minutes can make a big difference in the end result.

You might want to set a timer so you don’t lose track of time or get distracted while you are preparing to leave.

Getting out of the house with children takes more time than if you are leaving on your own.   Don’t use it as an excuse to be running late.  Plan for it!

Allow time for vehicle clean-off, loading what you need to take along and driving conditions.


All of these things contribute to the process of backing up from the time you need to arrive at your destination and figuring out what time you need to start the getting ready process!

If you need to be on the road at 8:00, don’t walk out of the house at 8:00.


If your drive takes 23 minutes – don’t round it to 20 – you’re already 3 minutes behind.

If you’re ready early – go for it!!  Don’t decide to do just one more thing before you leave.  This is something that I think lots of us are guilty of.  We think we have time to do just one more thing and then that is what ends up making us late.

When we arrive late for an event, such as a committee meeting or lunch with a friend, we are sending a message that we don’t respect these other people and the effort that they put into being on time.  It’s easy for us to think that isn’t true, but it is.  If the person we are meeting made choices that got them there at the agreed upon time, then we want to try our best to make those same good choices and arrive on time!

If you are someone who is chronically late, maybe you would benefit from some coaching in the area of time management.  Our Matter of Mentoring Plan might be just the ticket for you.  Contact us today for a free sample session!


Joan Rivers once said…. “I never clean. I just throw drop sheets on everything and tell people we’re painting.”

In order… live a life of purpose.

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