Daydreaming Heart of the Matter

The Power of Daydreaming

“You gotta have a dream.  If you don’t have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true?”

                                            Oscar Hammerstein – South Pacific

Daydreaming can be an excellent thing.  Studies have shown that people who are high achievers are frequently daydreamers.  They use daydreaming as a method of goal setting.  You can do that too.  Put creative daydreaming to work for you.

How do you see your home?  

  • Do you see clean, shining tabletops with a few well chosen items on their surface?
  • Do you see sunlight streaming across the vacuumed rug?  
  • Do you see a home that makes you feel happy and comfortable?
  • Do you see your family moving happily about your home, clothes and food easily provided?
  • Do you see yourself full of energy because you are in control?
  • Do you see yourself developing and growing stronger in every way, because you have time and energy for renewing your Spirit everyday?

My challenge to you this week…..

Get out a piece of paper and write out your own daydream.  How do you want your house to look?  How do you want to feel?  Once you have written it down, you are on your way to achieving that goal.  Write a sentence or two stating your goal.  If you write it, your muscles will already be in the act and you will be starting to change.

Once a determined individual sets a goal, they find a way to reach it.  Obstacles are insignificant to a determined goal setter. They do not disappear; they are just overcome.  The hardest part is keeping your goal in view when the going gets tough and the end is not in sight.  That’s why it is so important to write it down.  If it is written, you have made a stronger commitment.

Share it with me.  E-mail me through our website contact form


“As I relax into God’s timing, my heart contains comfort.”

Julia Cameron

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