7 Neat Ideas for Getting Out The Door On Time!

As mom’s it can be a big challenge to motivate our children (and ourselves) to get up and out the door on time in the morning.


Setting a morning routine at the beginning of the school year will help your family get off to a good start.  This way everyone knows what they need to do and when they need to do it.


Alarm Clocks

Set your alarm 10 minutes earlier.  If it usually takes an hour to get everyone ready then allow yourself 10 minutes extra when setting the alarm.

Some kids don’t respond well to “time to get up”.  Try putting an alarm clock in each bedroom. Don’t forget to give everyone that additional 10 minutes.



Set the table and prep breakfast food the night before.

Bowls, cutlery and glasses on the table.  Fruit cut up and muffins out of the freezer.  This will streamline breakfast time.



Decide on clothes the night before.  Check the weather forecast and have appropriate items laid out and ready for the morning.

Pack bags and get papers & planners signed the night before.


Having knapsacks prepared and sitting by the door makes them quick and easy to grab on the way out the door.


Bathroom routines

Take baths and showers at night instead of in the morning.

To save jostling in the bathroom make the kitchen sink available for brushing teeth.  Someone can be assigned this spot (with an extra brush and paste being stored close by) and it is one less person needing to use the bathroom.


Play fun up-beat music.

Up-beat positive music – maybe a new genre such as salsa or disco – will help motivate sleepyheads out of bed and keep them moving towards the goal of getting out the door in good spirits!


For more ideas on routines and checklists for children check out Real Life Routines with Gramma & Carter.

September is the perfect time for a fresh start.   Check out our website.  We offer a complimentary initial consultation.  We can come and talk about how to get you and your family to a level playing field.  We don’t want you to feel like you are just barely keeping your head above water. We have strategies that work and a caring team that comes with no judgement.

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