Why you can't get organized

WHY you can’t seem to ever get organized! The REASONS may surprise you!

Research tells us that in order to be organized an individual uses many different skill sets.   As you read on,  make a mental checklist of your strengths and weaknesses.

Making a plan with sub-steps

Any successful project requires a plan.  Some of us might be strong in “big picture” thinking, but being organized requires not just a plan of action but the ability to break that plan down into sub-steps.

Sequencing sub-steps

Once we have our plan of action we need to be able to look at the steps and prioritize them.  Put them in order so that the result will be what we anticipate it to be.

Scheduling sub-steps

Once we have the sub-steps decided upon, then we need to set-up a realistic plan for when we can accomplish them.  It will require us slotting them into our calendar and making it a priority to complete them on schedule.

Predicting time for sub-steps

This one can be difficult because some tasks do tend to take longer than we anticipate.  It is important to set ourselves realistic goals for how long each step in the process will take.

Creating the environment for productivity

This environment may be different for each of us.  I (Donna) like to work in quiet, so if I was tackling an organizing project in my home I wouldn’t have the TV or radio on.  You need to consider the best environment for your productivity.

Ability to organize the necessary “tools”

This means anticipating what sort of things you might need to accomplish the project.  When we tackle an area the first step is sorting.  Having some bins or boxes to sort into is a good plan.  They don’t necessarily have to be their final storage place, but just something to create boundaries for your different categories.  If you are sorting out paper some used file folders and post-it notes for temporary labels might be what you need to have on hand in preparation for the project.

Good memory

Once you have a system in place you need a good memory to  remember what it is.  Maintenance will be easier if you do lots of labeling.  You don’t have to rely so much on your memory to remember where things go.  It is also great for other members of the family to help with maintenance of the system.

Self discipline & motivation to keep to the plan

This one is fairly self-explanatory, but very important.  Ultimately there is work involved and it is up to us to do it!

A reason to bother with all of this

This one is linked with the last one.  It is important for us to have a vision for our space and the type of lifestyle we want to live.

Enough self-esteem & emotional maturity to believe it will make a difference

This is one that as adults perhaps we have a greater understanding of than our young or teenage children.  Organization is the foundation for life and it is an important lifeskill to teach our children from little on up.  We all know that disorganization can complicate our day…….if we can’t find what we need that is valuable time wasted.  If we are worried about the mess that our home is in that isn’t good for our health and well-being.  It is important to believe that “order” does make a difference in our lives.

Acceptance of limitations

We all have limitations when it comes to getting organized.  For some it is our stage of life.  Mom’s with young children at home have a restriction on the time available to them to get organized.  They also have the challenge of training the family to come on board to the systems they put in place.  Perhaps you have physical limitations due to your health or age.  It is important to recognize and accept these limitations and adjust your plans accordingly.

Willingness to accept assistance

It can be hard for any of us to admit we need help, but that is included in the “skill sets required to be organized”.  If organizing is not your strength, that is OK.  It means you have lots of other gifts and are great at lots of other things.  It is ok to ask for help.

It is easy for us to be critical of ourselves and ask……”Why can’t I get organized?”  If you are weak in any of these skill sets it might be contributing to your challenges.

Food for Thought

Don’t shine so others can see you.   Shine so that, through you, others can see Him.

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